28 de outubro de 2016

Lisbon Week and Valorsul in partnership

At the 4th edition of Lisbon Week, Valorsul is a partner of the educational project directed at schools in the parish of Lumiar. With this partnership, Valorsul will open the doors of its Triage and Ecocentro Center and carry out awareness actions for these students. The objective is to make known the activity of this facility and what to do with the garbage they produce.

Located in Lumiar and operating since February 2002, the Valorsul Triage and Ecocenter Center receives and treats the recyclable materials that citizens have separated in the counties of Amadora, Lisbon, Loures, Odivelas and Vila Franca de Xira. In 2015, approximately 57,000 tonnes of recyclables were received.

2,000 students will be involved, from 13 Lumiar schools, in creative workshops, in which students will reuse packaging, the Lisbon Week educational project, complies with the 3 R's policy - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - and meets the objectives of Valorsul, in promoting the reuse of materials.